- Acoustic insulation index : R
- Cekal acoustic classification
- Self-cleaning glass
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- How glass breaks
- Safety classification
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- Break-in resistant glass
- BRS bullets resistant glass
- BRNS bullet resistant glass
- SG & SGNS bullet resistance
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All about glass > BRS bullet resistant glass classification
Our Bullet resistant Plastofloat is tested and rated according to European standard EN 1063 specifications from BR1 to BR7 according to its ability to withstand armed attack using a particular weapon, not just by stopping the bullets, but also in terms of the spall ejected on the opposite face.To be rated BR, the glass must withstand 3 impacts without being perforated. The test is always performed successively on three samples of the same glass. The resistance level is determined by the type of weapon, the ammunition used and the shooting distance.
EN 1063 Class |
Plastofloat | weapon used | Calibre | ammunition used |
Shooting distance in m. |
Impact velocity in m/s |
BR 1S | PRE 10R, PRE 15, PRE20 | gun / rifle | 22 LR | cylindro-ogivale plomb | 10 | 360 |
BR 2S | PRE 22 | Handgun | 9 mm luger | cylindro-ogivale plomb chemise acier plaqué |
5 | 400 |
BR 3S | M 240 | Handgun | 0,357 magnum | conique plomb chemisé acier plaqué |
5 | 430 |
BR 4S | M280, M335, M338 | Handgun | 0,44 rem mag | cylindro-conique tronquée plomb chemisé acier |
5 | 440 |
BR 5S | M335, M386 | gun / rifle | 5,56 X 45 | cylindro-conique plomb masse pénétrante acier chemisé acier |
10 | 950 |
BR 6S | M 475 | gun / rifle | 7,62 X 51 | cylindro-conique plomb chemisé acier plaqué |
10 | 830 |
For example PRE 10R stops a 22 LR shot from a distance of 10 metres with a gun/rifle, and is rated BR1. However, the violence of the impact may cause spall to be ejected on the side opposite the shot, so PRE 10R does not guarantee the protection of people located just behind the glass. It is rated BR1S. (Bullet Resistance with reduced Spall)
If you want to guarantee the safety of people located behind the glass, you must choose bullet-resistant glass rated NS, that is to say bullet resistance with No Spall