All about glass > SG & SGNS Bullet Resistant Glass Classification

Our Bullet resistant Plastofloat is tested and rated according to European standard EN 1063 specifications SG1 or SG2
based on its ability to withstand shotgun attacks, not just by stopping the bullets, but also in terms of the spall ejected
on the opposite face.
To be rated SG , the glass must withstand a shotgun round without being perforated. The test is always performed
successively on three samples of the same glass. The resistance level is determined by the number of impacts.

EN 1063
Plastofloat Distance de tir
en m.

Number of
weapon used Calibre & Ammunition
SG1 S M 335, M 338 10 1 shotgun calibre 12/70
solid lead bullet
weighing 31g
(+ or -) 0.5g)
SG2 S M 355, M 386, M 475 10 3
SG2 NS P 278, P 345, P 395, P 730 10 3

If spall is ejected on the side opposite the shot, the rating is followed by the letter "S";
SGS means Shot Gun bullet resistant with reduced Spall.
If no spall is ejected on the side opposite the shot, the rating is followed by the letters "NS" ;
SGNS means Shot Gun bullet resistant with No Spall.
